Jobs for Veterans | resources | companies | offers | and more…

This is a compilation of information on jobs for Veterans providing resources, companies, offers, and more…

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Helpful resources for finding a job as a Veterans: 

Veterans ReEmployment connects you with employment services and jobs that use the skills you learned in the military. It also helps with job-search strategies, getting copies of military records, and choosing the right schools or training programs.

My Next Move for Vets helps you look for a new career or find a civilian career that’s like your military job.

Hire Heroes USA connects you with successful business professionals and helps you explain your military skills on your resume or in private-sector interviews.

Operation Pave: Paving Access for Veterans Employment can help you find a job and access resources for workplace accommodations if you have a spinal cord injury. Workplace accommodations are changes or adjustments to a job, work environment, or work process that set you up to do your job despite your disability. Examples of workplace accommodations include special equipment, ramps to make buildings wheelchair accessible, or modified work schedules.

Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) provides you and your family members with employment resources and advice. VETS also offers information on how you can protect your employment rights.

VA for Vets, the website of the Veteran Employment Services Office’s (VESO), can help you find a job when you transition to civilian life.

The National Resource Directory provides links to employment resources across all government agencies.

Veterans Opportunity to Work connects you with education and training services designed to help you transition to civilian life.

More Helpful links:

Here are a few different resources for finding a job as a Veteran. 

Companies that prefer to hire Veterans: 

  • UPS
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Raytheon
  • PepsiCo.
  • The Coca Cola Company
  • The Home Depot
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Intel
  • Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc
  • URS 
  • CSX Corporation 
  • BSNF Railway Co. 
  • USAA
  • Deloitte 
  • AECOM 
  • Amazon 
  • Merck & Co.
  • Johnson Controls
  • Starbucks

Video resources for Veterans looking for a job

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